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Remote Working – Ask me anything

Jenny Wong presenting her talk Remote Working - Ask me anything

COVID has made many of us remote workers. Some of us have already been remote working, and for others, it is a new experience. Jenny has been remote working for 6 years and will be coming online to share her set up, habits, and answer any questions people have about making remote working more comfortable …

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Small achievable actions lead to big change

How can you grow your business and achieve your dreams? You may have a range of failed projects or ideas that you never perused. In this talk, Lee shares how he’s been able to grow his business and personal brand in the WordPress space by going against the “hustle” and “hack” mentality. He has created …

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Scale your agency by selling a product, not a service

Services business are difficult to scale. There are a lot of meetings with clients, learning about their business, writing proposals (and discussing them), deciding a strategy and executing the work for them. Writing proposals and discovery meetings are two of the biggest bottlenecks for service-based companies. That’s a lot of effort just to have a …

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Managing multiple clients while scaling big

The importance of building processes for scaling the agency. From lead generating processes to client management when hiring a team and working on multiple projects at the same time. The talk will be focusing on the main processes for the 5 parts of any growing business:Sales Service Put out fires Plan Build Through these 5 …

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What I do when I don’t know what I’m doing

Many projects I do require knowledge that I don’t have. Yet. With a standard technical approach and the willingness to plough through the discomfort of being in over my head, these projects are not only fun but also great learning experiences and have been (thus far) successful. This talk is a pep talk, a “you …

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Why I’m going to stop selling WordPress websites

This will be about my journey and reluctance to go into building client website with WordPress. About the problems I had when I did and how I have started to find a way that is working for me. In a friendly way, I’ll be challenging (or thought flipping) many accepted wisdoms and processes used when …

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Winning at Discovery

That phase of any project that, if not pinned down and given the attention it needs, can trip us up big time. The Discovery process needs to be as thorough as it can possibly be. Discovering just what the client expects and all the things around being able to make that happen. That’s what we …

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Don’t lose your steam! How to deal with unhappy customers

No matter if your product, business plans or plugin is functional and well crafted: there comes a time where a user or client knocks at your door, and they aren’t happy at all with you. Supporting users is not an easy job, not to mention when they’re angry or upset, and this can affect your …

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