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January 30, 2020
Lee Jackson

Small achievable actions lead to big change

How can you grow your business and achieve your dreams? You may have a range of failed projects or ideas that you never perused.

In this talk, Lee shares how he’s been able to grow his business and personal brand in the WordPress space by going against the “hustle” and “hack” mentality. He has created a system for success that his 13-year-old daughter can follow and his 53-year-old best friend.

The moral of the tortoise and the hare is surprisingly true! If you are impatient to achieve success, this talk is for you.

January 30, 2020
Piccia Neri

Visual perception and memory: how to win on the web with better visual communication

We all know that 3 seconds is all it takes to lose the attention of visitors to our web pages. But there’s hope yet! We can all win on the web by leveraging the brain’s strengths and limitations. An understanding of how the human brain processes visual information can greatly help us win our visitors over and keep them where we want them, instead of losing them to cyberspace.

By knowing how the brain (and people!) interpret visual language, we can create designs and graphics that communicate clearly and are effective on a cognitive as well as an emotional level. This will lead to better UX and better sales for our clients. This talk gives a brief introduction to this fascinating topic, with practical, actionable examples accompanying the theory.

November 28, 2019
Michael Killen

Butterfly Niche to Sell More

In this talk, Mike is going to outline the 3 step process for defining a niche, raising your prices and identifying new profitable opportunities with both new and current customers.

2020 will be the most competitive year ever for WordPress, agencies and digital creatives. With more competition entering the market than ever and lowering of barriers to entry if you want to run a profitable business you need to shift from telling people what you do, and start telling them who you work with.

Once you’ve identified a WHO, you can start attracting more of those customers and developing deeper relationships with them, generating you more sales from better customers.

  • Increase your prices
  • Justify those prices
  • Work with better clients
  • Identify more paid opportunities with current clients
  • Define a niche
  • Attract more clients

November 28, 2019
Thiago Carvalho

Scale your agency by selling a product, not a service

Services business are difficult to scale. There are a lot of meetings with clients, learning about their business, writing proposals (and discussing them), deciding a strategy and executing the work for them.

Writing proposals and discovery meetings are two of the biggest bottlenecks for service-based companies. That’s a lot of effort just to have a prospect respond with the message, “We’ll get back to you if we are interested.”

Productizing means: Earn more, work less and provide more value to your clients

September 26, 2019
Rajendra Zore

How I Built My WordPress Business with (Almost) Zero Investment

Now that WordPress is maturing and the ecosystem is thriving, it may seem overwhelming to start a new business. But you can do it.

Many of you may be soloprenuers running a one-person agency. In this talk, I will share how I started an $18 a year service that turned into thousands per month. Hint: I didn’t get venture capital, do crazy marketing, or anything shady.

Let’s talk about digital tools to help your side hustle become a business — including what to do and what not to do. Tools, tricks, laughter, and tears. See you there!

September 26, 2019
Paul Lacey

Let’s personalise your website user experience with WordPress

User experience personalisation is the process of presenting a unique and tailored experience to a website visitor, based on things you already know about that visitor. FOr example, where did they arrive from, what pages have they visited before or on this session… are they a return visitor – and so on.

In this talk, I’ll show you a simple everyday scenario where this can be used to give the user a more streamlined and helpful experience, and improve conversions for the website owner.

The big brands have been doing this for some time, and now we can too even for the simplest and smallest of websites.

Graham Armfield
August 29, 2019
Graham Armfield

What have the new HTML5 elements ever done for accessibility?

Ten years ago the HTML5 proposition saw the light for the first time. HTML5 introduced new and extended APIs to support more interactive pages, and a whole stack of new semantic elements to delight us.

So after a lifetime (in web terms), how extensively are these elements being supported by browsers, used by developers, and how have they impacted upon the accessibility of websites that use them?

We’ll look at some successes, some elements where more browser or assistive technology finesse is required, and a frustrating selection where we are still a long way from being ‘match ready’.

August 29, 2019
Louise Towler

Taking WooCommerce to the next level with Laravel

Louise will show you how her her team built a packing application for a warehouse, the challenges they faced taking data from a WooCommerce website, and building a fully featured Laravel application. Using a bespoke WooCommerce plugin with a combination of technologies including the REST APi, webhooks and web sockets. Adding in real time information and third party APIs from shipping providers makes for a lot of complexity. Louise goes through the challenges some of the implementation and provides ideas for how you might tackle such a project.

June 27, 2019
Josh Stopper

Code is Poetry, but your poetry is s**t

Code is Poetry is a dive in to good and bad programming principles, and how we can apply the good ones when using WordPress to make the most maintainable, scalable, and performant websites we can.

The talk focuses on the learnings of being a WordPress-focused developer for over 5 years, and how embracing open source and the lessons of those that came before us can make us as developers, and the websites we produce better.

Upcoming talk: register now
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