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David Lockie presenting his talk Nine ways to make WordPress better with AI
May 28, 2020
David Lockie

Nine ways to make WordPress better with AI

When we think about AI, it’s hard to tell hype from a genuine utility. In reality, AI is a bundle of over 25 different technologies, ranging from the ‘everyday’ to the cutting edge.

This talk uses the blade of WordPress to slice through the hype and focus on practical, achievable ways to start leveraging AI technologies into your WordPress tech stack today.

Today we see the primary use cases falling into three silos: AI Enhancement, Improved Productivity and Data, Analytics and Intelligence. In his session, David will break these silos down into three practical examples each – using a range of solutions and services.

May 14, 2020
Leo Mindel

How I improved my sleep patterns with WordPress

The landscape of computing always changes, at the beginning webservers were found in the basements of companies, then in data centres, along came virtualisation and now cloud or serverless. A factual history but a boring discussion.

As a pioneer of high availability websites for Sport including the Olympics, from a server in a house in Orlando in 2002, Sotic has lived through this time and has the war stories to tell. But what do these changes mean from a personal perspective, how does migrating improve employee wellbeing, reduce stress and enable a better environment for the company. What cost do these changes bring and why has WordPress played an integral part in our journey?

I will cover the migration Sotic took from our own hosting platform using another CMS to running WP on Cloud. The ups and downs, pain and sleepless nights and why some of the lessons learnt are as relevant for single agency owners using shared hosting to big multination WP sites.

I’ll talk about the positive reasons to find the right place to host your WP website. Why making the change has improved my staff wellbeing, their productivity and customer satisfaction. How WP helped and just by looking at this video you can see that the WP site (Six Nations) is faster than many others:

April 30, 2020
Chris Brosnan

Migrating a site to and from WordPress

When should you move a site from one platform to another? If you do, how should you go about doing this? And what are the specific things to consider when a migration involves WordPress as either the old or new CMS? This talk will attempt to provide a concise answer to some of these questions from a planning, implementation and review perspective in terms of project management, coding, and database administration.

April 30, 2020
Miriam Schwab

The future of WordPress (might be) headless

For a long while WordPress has been perceived by developers as an unexciting, legacy platform. But things are changing and lucky for us and our industry, WordPress is flexible enough to constantly stay in line with modern web dev trends. That is the case now with regards to the evolution of headless and static approaches. There are a number of easy and complex options available to WordPress website owners to help them bring their sites into the modern Jamstack era. Let’s explore them!

March 26, 2020
Tristan Griffiths

Productivity In Copy Creation: Blogs, Social Media & More

Ever find yourself struggling to write your own copy, or getting it from your clients? Have you been asked, and even been tempted to handle social media for clients?

In just 30 minutes we will break down how to get past yours and your client’s blocks to create compelling copy that really gets results.

Sharing ItsNomad9’s proven system for getting information out of your’s or your client’s heads, down in writing, systemised and syndicated across a range of mediums including websites, and a wide variety of social media platforms.

The outcome of this talk is that you will no longer struggle to come up with ideas or to turn them into the compelling copy in your own unique style and voice.

This system will also help you to stay consistent in writing blogs, creating marketing and promotional copy & posting regularly to your various social media platforms.

The best part is, you already have everything you need to start implementing this straight away, in the room!

March 26, 2020
Andrew Palmer

Being your best self under pressure

In this talk, Andrew will give examples of extreme pressure whether self-inflicted or customer-centric or even with colleagues. He will so give some techniques that he has used over the past 30 years in business and in general life.

February 27, 2020
Chris Brosnan

Scaling Effectively with WordPress

One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it does not scale well and is only for small sites. This assumption is untrue, but it exists because of wider misconceptions about the use of WordPress and its purpose. With good planning and consideration before and during a WordPress project’s lifecycle, we can ensure that the project scales well and has the flexibility to add new features without too much scope creep or performance impact. By avoiding waste, using coding standards, and adopting a serious software development mindset to WordPress projects it is easy to build WordPress sites that will scale effectively.

Upcoming talk: register now
February 27, 2020
Ronald Gijsel

4.5 ways to sell more with WooCommerce

With a few simple steps and spreadsheets, you will get the idea of how you can increase your revenue for your WooCommerce store. We’ll look at order frequency, average order value and the return of the customer… There are so many ways to action this but in 10 minutes we will run through a few examples that require no or very little investment to get started.

Upcoming talk: register now
February 27, 2020
Louise Towler

Top ten tips to boost website rankings in Google

There are many Search Engine Optimisation tips that are considered to be great Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) practice and will remain relevant for years to come. These are straightforward to implement and are usually the first things we check when we build or inherit at a website. If you implement these tips correctly you should see an improvement in the ranking and traffic.

Upcoming talk: register now
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